Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Now back to your regular scheduled program

Sorry, everyone. I went to Chicago this weekend with limited wireless access. Combining that with forgetting my camera cord and having a non-functional camera phone, I couldn't update the blog. Going on vacation and keeping to the challenge is relatively easy. Why? On vacation you can wear whatever you want, be daring and never have to see people again. Also, no one looks at you sideways for asking them to take pictures of you (I am sure to exhaust my
roommate in the upcoming 3 months).

Picture 1: Day Two of the Challenge: Yeah, I wore purple two days in a row. Guess the next challenge will be about using the entire rainbow, huh?/Travel outfit. Yeah, not super exciting I know, but I'm on a plane, not the runway

Picture 2: Going out for Cherryn/Wild Cherry's 24th bday. Apparently, my outfit was trendy and cool so I had a random mini photo shoot with some photographer doing fashion in night life (*crosses fingers that it's a legit magazine)

Picture 3: Realized I didn't take a full outfit shot so I re-dressed post going out.

Picture 4: Over dressed for an art gallery party because I thought I was going clubbing after. I took the picture next to one of my favorite portraits.

Picture 5: My parade watching, Chicago stepping in Grant Park, sushi eating and people watching in Millennium Park outfit (**'s really a skirt and a belt)