Day 72: I wore this teal top with the jeans seen in the second outfit for today with my trusty (and with this about of wear soon to be dusty) silver flats from Target.
Costume change: I made a quick change to Iron Fork. If you live in Miami, go to this next year. Food from over 40 restaurants to be sampled, open bar, and live music overlooking downtown for around 30 bucks. Wait, this isn't about food... So anyway, I wore this cream colored, kinda low cut top I picked upp in Montreal (don't clothes sounds cooler when they're purchased
internationally) with the same jeans and red peep-toed pumps.
(Technical Difficulties: Pictures Coming Soon)
Day 73: Random artsy wanna be pick of me in my Black Target Dress with Red Flat Sandals
Day 74: I wore this Batman Tee with Black Flip Flops to study in the library. Oh yeah, and the
jeans you see in the second picture from today. I had to pull a doors-close-at-9pm-left-dance-class-at-830pm move and change in the car into the outfit you see below.

Change clothes and go. Jeans, Gold Wedges and Navy Blue Floral Print Halter that my awesome
godsister for my bday. (Disclaimer: I'm leaving a belly dance show so that's why I'm posed like this.)